Open Music Europe Kickoff

The OpenMusE project had its kick-off meeting at the University of Economics Bratislava (EUBA) in Slovakia from 25th to 27th of January. All consortium partners and some European Commission representatives attended the meeting. The meeting aimed to introduce the partners and their roles, explain the project’s origins and concept, and discuss the work packages and tasks. 

The European Commission representatives gave the opening presentations. They talked about the project’s background, goals, and expected results. They also stressed the importance of sharing and using the project’s outcomes, and working together as a team.

The OpenMusE consortium is a diverse group of practitioners and researchers who work in different areas of the music ecosystem. A core goal of the project will be to solve the problems of data collection and analysis with scientific and market-based solutions.
Essentially, the consortium believes that better data collection will also lead to better policy and legal work.
The consortium will identify and overcome the barriers to data collection, develop methods and tools for data analysis, and help stakeholders use the data for their benefit. As well, pilot projects will be conducted to test and demonstrate their solutions and create software and policy toolkits to establish new standards and practices.

OpenMusE will provide the data needed for a more fair, competitive, and sustainable music ecosystem in Europe. This requires evidence-based policymaking, business planning, and accuracy. The project will use transparent methods and tools to map the policy and data landscape, bridge data gaps, and empower stakeholders and policymakers to take data-driven actions.
The kick-off meeting was a successful event that achieved a common understanding of the project and its goals among all partners. The meeting also fostered a positive and collaborative atmosphere that will facilitate the implementation of the project activities.
The project will provide the data needed for a more competitive, fair, and sustainable footing in the European music ecosystem. This requires evidence-based policymaking, business planning, and accuracy. Using transparent methods and tools, OpenMusE will map the policy and data landscape, bridge data gaps and empower stakeholders as well as policymakers to take data-driven actions


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